Sunday, December 04, 2005

AND more doodles

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

More doodles!

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Arrow Guy

Hair Guy

"I should be in a shampoo commercial"

Cloak and Dagger

Sunday, November 20, 2005



Yes! I am happy that I was in and out of DMV in less than 30 minutes!!!

Monday, November 14, 2005

Curse You!!!!

Yesterday when I came home from church I noticed my license plates were missing. I was beyond pissed and hoped that lightning will strike whomever stole them. Yes, strike them numerous times and burn them beyond all recognition!!!

Anyway, I'm over it now. I'm headed to the DMV tomorrow. Please pray for me. Thank you!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Kitty Samantha & Sean

The other night, Sean informed me that he found a stray cat sitting on his lounge chair by their pool. It jumped down and "bumped" onto his leg, he said. I guess he instantly took a liking towards her after that. He even named her "Samantha", and hopes that no one claims her. "Awww..." right? It definitely deserved an "Awww..."

He went to the grocery store today and he was surprised at the incalculable choices of cat food. Of course, now almost a "dad", he carefully picked ones that didn't seem disgusting. He didn't tell me how many kinds he bought, but I could imagine. I hope he knows better not to spoil his baby ;)

I forgot to ask him whether she had a collar. I'm sure he would've mentioned it, but I guess it's a stray after all. They're still at that "tentative" stage he says. He wants to be worthy of the title, "Daddy" for sure. Hehe.

Hm...maybe Samantha would adopt him instead. I think this is a good thing for Sean. He needs something else to occupy his time when I'm not there to keep him busy. I do hope that Kitty Sam decides to stick around because I for one can't wait to see my new daughter ;)

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

2 Guys

*Sigh* Work was mentally draining today. Had to keep my mind running by drawing :)