Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Online Romance

So I heard someone who works in my building has found a special someone through one of those online dating websites. I'm sure there were mixed opinions about this new gossip. I couldn't help but feel for that person because I'm in a similar situation. Except for the fact that we still have to meet.

I was interested in a couple of guys and tried to make it work with them, but alas, they didn't want to meet me halfway. I couldn't take all the shadiness either. Why can't people just be direct? I had no choice but to move on. God knows I don't like to wait.

For awhile I thought there was something wrong with me, but that was just silly. Perhaps things didn't work out because they weren't right for me, and I believe that.

Sean and I "met" online through a mutual friend. I was dared to say hi, and I did. It couldn't hurt, right? We clicked right away because we shared a common denominator: cartoons! I remember that's all we talked about the first 5 months. After that, we talked about more personal things.

I feel like we've known each other our entire lives. Despite the distance and the electronic means of communication, I can say that Sean and I have gone through stuff together. We still are. Two years of talking and we still haven't met. That's ok though. There's no need to rush fate.

I've been told that I'm just trying to avoid dating locally. That I was afraid of getting hurt. These things aren't true. I know I said that I don't like to wait, but this time it's worth it. At least my feelings are reciprocated, which I'm happy about. People can say I'm crazy, and that's fine. I don't listen to them anyway. It's my life, and I don't need anyone's approval.

I love this man. I'm not apologizing for that.

So what do I give the man who pretty much has everything within his grasp?

The world. That's what I can give. But only if he wants it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAY! Good blog! Good cartoon, and good blog. A+ in my critics guide! Awww...but hey, while you're waiting for your man, I'm sure that my Gay Uncle "so-and-so" wouldn't mind a taste of Noel!

LMAO! Ask Derek if you don't already know, which I don't know how it's possible that you don't.

12:14 AM  
Blogger nOeL said...

Ew! Taylor, you are crazy! LOL! I don't do old people!!!! LOL! Besides, I love my Sean and he doesn't like boys that invade his territory. Nyahaha!!!

7:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mhm...hands off, Uncle Festus! LOL! Hi hunny! ^_^

4:42 PM  

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