Thursday, August 25, 2005


I talked to one of the newer sales reps from another department this morning, and we had a really nice conversation. She grew up in Franklin, VA and finished college in Georgia State in Atlanta. I told her that I'd like to visit the city and probably move there (in a parallel universe). She mentioned that she loved the city. It's an ideal place for young, single professionals. Mostly everyone's "beautiful" down there.

It wasn't until she came back to VA that she realized how materialistic she became while living down in Atlanta. I figured she adopted that attitude because she was surrounded by people who are that way. Most young people don't know any better anyway. They feel the need to be with the "in" crowd. They get careless with money and just spend, spend, spend. I know of one person here who is like that...I won't get into details, but let's just say that his priorities were not in order, and he had something valuable taken away from him. I mean, I am guilty of being careless sometimes, but at least it's on a miniscule scale.

Since my car wreck, I appreciate my life and what I have more than ever before. It's true that what may come so easily can also be taken away in a blink of an eye. It also got me re-thinking my wants and needs. Even if I have to hold off for a long time, I wouldn't mind because it may be worth it. Hope for the best, but always expect the worse. I don't usually expect things from people, but I'm changing that habit slowly. Even if it means ending up disappointed. Things happen to us sometimes for no reason at all. We're just left there to clean up the bits and pieces the best we can.

My greatest fear is losing touch of what's important to me. I say this with no conceit at all, but with the person I've become, I doubt that'll happen.


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